We provide families facing the crisis of homelessness with a safe place designed to engage, inspire, and guide them toward a future where they feel empowered to control the course of their lives.
Family Promise of Greater Cleveland grew out of the shared mission and close collaboration of New Life Community and Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cleveland. After two years of careful planning, in 2011 the Boards of Directors voted to combine organizations and become Family Promise of Greater Cleveland.
Family Promise of Greater Cleveland is an affiliate of national Family Promise. The national Family Promise network includes over 160 affiliates spread throughout the United States - all with a mission of serving homeless families. Each affiliate is a separate 501 (c) (3) non-profit entity, free to create programs to meet local community needs but connected to a pool of resources in homeless services research and best practices, government relations and advocacy to have an even stronger voice for homeless families.
Family Promise of Greater Cleveland is also a partner in the local Cuyahoga County Continuum of Care, working collaboratively with the local Office of Homeless Services; the community's Coordinated Intake system; and other providers committed to serving homeless individuals and families in Greater Cleveland.
Our History
Family Promise of Greater Cleveland was created by the merger of two organizations, New Life Community and Interfaith Hospital Network. Both non-profits served the local, homeless population of Greater Cleveland.
New Life Community
In the summer of 1990, four families moved into their apartments in a building on Kinsman and East 154th Street as part of a pilot project called New Life Community. New Life Community had been shaped gradually over two years through an ecumenical prayer group organized by Tom and Grace Uhle. Tom was awakened in the night with a clear sense of a call to provide a transitional housing program for the homeless families of Cleveland. New Life was modeled after a program in Dallas called Interfaith Housing Coalition.
In 1992 the founders of New Life Community bought the St. Cecelia's Parish School building for $1 from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, and raised the money to renovate the interior into 14 apartments with offices and program space on the lower level. Today this space still offers shelter to homeless families on the upper two floors; and houses agency staff and programs on the lower level.
Interfaith Hospitality Network in Cleveland
IHN was always a family affair for Kay Bork, founder of Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cleveland. While living in Cincinnati, Kay's two young sons loved to volunteer with IHN. After moving to Cleveland, her sons asked when they could once again play with their IHN friends. Kay learned that IHN had not yet come to Cleveland. National IHN encouraged her to take action and start a local affiliate.
Kay's enthusiasm for IHN and her passion to help homeless families was contagious. Soon enough churches and synagogues had agreed to host. After much hard work, the first host week occurred in July 1998 at Church of the Saviour in Cleveland Heights. Families welcomed warmly by host congregations told her they never knew that so many people cared. IHN opened new doors for homeless families. Over the years the congregation network grew to over 60 "host" and "support" churches and synagogues that provided meals and overnight accommodations to homeless families throughout the community.
Our Team
Jennifer Koch, President
Nicholas Doljac, Vice President
Loretta Stevens, Treasurer
Julie Mayock, Secretary
Board of Directors
April Alvis
John Beer
Mary Bright
Andrea Bucci
Bradley J. Diedrich, Esq.
Phil Fogarty
Jessica Ison
Vanetta Jamison
Michael J. Kaczka, Esq.
Robert Kissling
Krista Zuchowski
Emeritus Directors
Beverly Coen
Timothy Panzica
Senior Staff
Jacqueline Salter, EMBA, MFT, PCC-S, Executive Director
Michaella DeAlexandro, LISW-S, Director of Programming and Project Management
Dee Hubanks, Executive Assistant
Check out what our National office is up to! https://familypromise.org/