Our Services

Family Promise offers a broad service mix, delivered by qualified staff, to all its families. Each family receives the type, amount, and duration of services needed to help them achieve stability. Families with greater challenges will have those needs met with more intensive services, while families with fewer barriers to self-sufficiency receive the level of support and services required. This allows Family Promise resources to be efficiently and effectively targeted to each family's needs. Family Promise’s major programs and services include:


Temporary Housing & Case Management Services

Families reside free of charge, for an average stay of 90 days in one of the Family Promise facilities. Case managers work with each family to develop their unique plan that provides the road map to housing and sustainability. The key component of this plan is to identify safe, affordable housing. Thorough assessment is conducted to help the family determine benefits eligibility, child care options, employment readiness, life skills level, mental and physical health needs, and key community linkages. Family Promise responds to families’ diverse needs with an array of services targeting the following areas: housing search; job readiness, placement and retention; connection to critical services such as GED services and mental health treatment; legal assistance; budgeting; and financial literacy support.

Employment Services

Unique to Family Promise is a client-driven, customized and experiential approach to employment preparation, placement and job retention services based upon and adapted from the evidence-based supported employment model. Employment specialists take clients where they find them. Employment counseling is individually tailored in one-on-one sessions to eliminate client-specific challenges and enhance job readiness/job search skills. Family Promise has built relationships with more than 30 partners to connect clients with employment opportunities. In 2015 the agency launched an Employment Advisory Board made up of volunteers representing several employers, along with several Family Promise Board members, agency staff, and former clients. The group is overseeing a Job Club for families in shelter, and those who have moved into the community in order to further assist clients to prepare for, obtain and retain jobs.

Community-Based Follow-Up Services

The Community-Based Services program provides 6-12 months of follow-up support for families exiting Family Promise to permanent housing. Families in the program receive regular in-home visits, budgeting assistance, linkage with community resources, assistance with benefits, and, when needed, financial assistance to help them maintain through difficult times. The program increases stabilization in an effort to keep families from repeating the cycle of homelessness.


Support Family Promise of Greater Cleveland

Your donation to Family Promise of Greater Cleveland is an investment in local families and directly supports our agency and the many important programs and services that we provide to our families. We will use your investment to inspire and empower homeless families to transform their lives, as we have been doing for almost thirty years.